30 January 2008

Away with me Reet

Jingeling away with Reet and fam on Tuesday before our departure.She made THE BEST home cooked meal ever...That meal was made with deluxe love..menu was representative of our Full-Circle Meal from the very first time we all reunited about a year ago. It still had the same taste with the with perfect company and dessert sweetness to boot by lara~jo. MeOW.

Grandma up

Kaia with grandma(AuntBarb)She has coined her as another Grandma.
Fools are in love...the more grandmas to love her the better:)Hangin'
out at our little bye bye Chili party. We are going to miss you grandma.

Granny remember when....

Boy are we going to miss her while we are away....she is so expressive, filled with JOy and Lights up while being around little miss mae.
listening to her stories a many a times echoing in one ear into the other. Some resonate familiarity which passes nostalgia through my mind I can even taste, her description is so vivid. Her mind is definetely still in tact.
NOw we sit...we listen to the stories and embrace them and hold on to them now,
so much more while they pass themselves down to yet~ another generation

What soft and silky lips you have....Gi-Gi looking more beatiful than ever..spending some quality time with Miss mae, while displaying her wide array of undressed barbie dolls.

21 January 2008

Nashville Come Again

Oh GOllum, we love you

Union Nashville

Old Man Crow Mexican Man chillin' at the Gersthaus with us loitering fools.

This is really in focus.

jeffe-stevie-john shea

Mrs Jamie Harty

terra and john shea


Waiting for Mr."Cabbie"

Always been the downfall of this digital camera...cannot quite ever seem to get the timing right...its about 1-2-3 and 4. no take it on 2.5 and then jump, oh wait no take it on count of 3 then just jump on 3.5 oh the hell with it.just take the damn picture.

I think that was on the count of 6

thats some good sphinx posing..in front of hard rock cafe..

gimme a lil more of that patsy cline and sum Hank WIlliams oh and please pick up that guy that keeps falling on the ground, hes gonna hurt someone. and john will you too, please quit dropping your wife, its bad on the knees.

hot mama shea...sporting her get up n-go attitude while the bluegrass band cuts up another bootie tune slash credit-card mooose knuckle.

Newlyweds 12.31.08 jamie and stevie dress rehearsal for Cats night before practicing on cat calls, prowls and kitty-kat fights.

For you will want to hug me now cause I'm such a great guy.
Good ol' John Shea cutting shreds out there, while his groupies(other girls)wipe their tables up from the panting hot drool.

ALways the photo opp on Broadway
Elvis himself leaning against a wall amidst the crowds and noises of twangy bluegrass
good old fashioned honky-tonk and an array of colorful lights blasting through space.

These are the days I cherish most. Being with friends of the tribe and honoring the joys of unconditional love.It is of now a common understanding that Distance is of no importance, I cherish my sisters for their strength and their whimsical sensibilities. WHat a lucky group of people we are to have eachother...forever we will hold onto such a special connection....

17 January 2008

Arctic Barbie

THis morning was a snowy "mess."
Well of course it was a mess to the locals....who thinks snow that still has grass coming through should require a 2 hour delay from school. Oh, I suppose its all relative. While locals are nestling up with down filled coats..warming up their snowblowers..kaia thought it would be a great time to air out her barbies. SHe gave them a white wash...As for the mess..it was all melted by noon.

Powder me for Eternity

There is always something suspicious when the noise goes quiet. Pitter patter
little squeaks and snickers coming from your room. Often wonder why I'm not partaking
in these shenanigans. I suppose they are funner for you without me, since the part of the climax is the getting caught part. I study your face..your mind is in full bloom and colors are spewing out from your ever blinking blue eyes while you look up with that little twitch in your nose..."Look MommY...I cleaning I cleaning."
Oh how I shall simply embrace these moments...completely content in making a harmless mess..Let's just document them...for I only wished that they lasted for an eternity......

It's all fun and games.....just gotta laugh.

14 January 2008

WOke up this morning...kaia was sad and cold....it finally snowed.
Still trying to figure out how to do banking..it's so frustrating when
you cannot get a straight answer from any of these companies,,well over half.
I will figure it out though, it's is just the learning curve of it all
All I can keep doing is to ask more questions....?

13 January 2008

Ava's Birthday party

Lotsa happy faces there!!

07 January 2008

Party at Stella's

JUst A cupcake Visit.

"The train is a comin'."


Princess Grandma Betty.....such a peach she is....!!



I think I have something somehwere...

stace and nicole....who came up for a quick visit!

jakers and allie.

Sooo deloyshious....

kaia's aunty and cousin jake.
I am touched that they don't miss a beat, kaia just jumps right
in their arms, like Time,distance apart has been of no impact.

Thanks for the wonderful weekend...the Food was deloshes and Stella,we love
your boyfriend!!We're going to really miss you All...with love.
Brian I'm sorry you missed senior portraits before we left. NIk and lee,
I was trying to paste heads in....you looked like MOrphed Neanderthals,sorry.

03 January 2008

Uncle T.

I was talking to my brother and as I got off the phone I had kaia say bye Uncle Todd.
She asked where Uncle Todd going....?? I said to the MOuntains to ski.
Kaia replied,"I want to color"..
:)this is what we came up with.
I love you brother and miss you always.

01 January 2008

Happy New Year

Here's to a successful, fantabulous...exciting and Healthy Year

"May all your pain be champagne...may all your Poo be shampoo...."