OK, so it wasn't 10,000 doll hairs.. I guess some wires crossed and we got cornfused. Needless to say..I finished the race..and being that I was ranked at 43rd I was still in the top 50-Meaning I Won 500 dollars. Amazing...the Race was painful and I just wanted it to be over with. We had every intention of doing the right thing before the Race. We had our Electrolyte riddened agua, doing our little moves thinking about stretching, jogging minds, But Hey we have plenty of time before the race. So, my eyes begin to meander while I catch glimpses of some Major Spandex and international sweat Indeed. The Zayed INternational Marathon means business...and business it was with the tight bods, and African blood, Oh crap I thought, what was I thinking. PUt me up against these svelte frames, there is no way I wiill come in 1st of 50. Oh well, it's just a race I thought, it will be fun. The nerves set in and time for potty-porta, we decide to make a pit-stop. Strutting away from starting point....pow pow...what the heck was that!! We whip our heads over and realize that they started the race 25 minutes early. "QUick RUn...we drop our waters,....got our tunes ready....hopped over the fence...and took a time to collect our thoughts...while standing, our environment filled up with an array of colors speeding past our frames...Amy turned to me with an exuberant smile and said "Are you ready?" I shook my head and we held hands and started her up and passed over the Start Line....We have now been activated.The race is on!!
It was super cool...surrounded by crazy energy that all for one moment was fixated on the same goal....Making it to the End. Later during the Race, I just wanted it to be over, I had a blister on my fin toe that burst.
It was hot and a total junk-show filled with many pre-pubescent boys that cheated maybe 2k into the race. The last kilometer was sheer hell, the finish line kept moving, so the sprint kept going and going until finally we ran up a hill into the Emirates Palace to only notice tons of people cheering and yelling. FINally, we're through and handed me a card. I did it!!