The tide was still high and fishies were still being shaded by the cliffs from above. Perfect time to make a cast...we were awakened by little I lifted my head, I was drawn into the cliffs from above. I never realized how jagged the Hajar Mountain Range really was. Well, I guess I just had no idea what they looked like, but they offered a roaming beauty with their sleek and ever-vanilla pocketed ranges..they were certainly different than what I was used to.
Always have and always will enjoy getting to a site in the night so that in the morning it is completely different than what I had imagined. We bashed it with our
4WD, and glorified ourselves by knowing that we were fully equipped with gear and able to stay many nights in the desert....FREE of lodging expenses if we desired.
Thanks to Amy's building remains from next door...we were supplied with a full nights Fire-Powered pit that boasted heat and light. Since we only brought one propane certainly came in handy..oops:)
We enjoyed the evening...with stories, shisha that took an hour to get lit, Bombay sapphire's and Wieners...we were set. OOps, here comes the tide....OH crap, we thought, "We put our fire-pit too close to the water, now it's going to get washed away." We knew it was too good to be true, but Sally the Sea decided to spare our Pit of Fire soon to be disaster and push back in for a long nights rest.