My thoughts could go on and on. This has been by far the worst weekend I've had since we have gotten here. Many reason why?? Could easily have been prevented, but alas, live and learn I suppose. This is why we try to learn from our mistakes and not repeat them. We were to go to Oman this weekend to get visas:as they are only good for 60 days. We pushed this one up to the limit,for other reasons. I happened to get sick the night before we were planning on going out there. We did not exactly have anything in particular planned, but we were going to go along the Northern Shore In Musandam Oman. If you look at a map, you can see that the mountains there are really jagged, and the area itself looks really old and mysterious. There are wooden dhow(long boats)that you can take in between fiords, last time we went when I was here alone, dolphins raced next side of us. It is really gorgeous and I am dying to get kaia in her life jacket that we so terribly needed to get her before we left. Haven't used it once. I know that she would love to be on a boat. So....I wake up the morning we are to leave, my head pounding from illness setting into my bones, spine sore, and throat razor blade shut and killing me to swallow or even talk. I have no choice in the matter, I HAVE TO GO. So, we decide that we are literally going through exit UAE and get omani visa and turn around and come back. All and all about a 3 hour drive, That is if you DON"T get lost. If we had a GPS, I bet we'd still get lost. If anyone knows Jeff and how he is when we get lost, it's not a picnic party. We decided since we were going to Dubai anyways, that we get Jeff's driver's license since now he has his Residence visa and labor card, one last step will make him legit. So we finally arrive, I nearly vomited while we passed a cat with its poor little insided dangling out for every one and their mothers rubber tires to stamp. God, please don't make me have to look at that again. HA HA.
24 May 2008
Super salt soakin Psycho
My thoughts could go on and on. This has been by far the worst weekend I've had since we have gotten here. Many reason why?? Could easily have been prevented, but alas, live and learn I suppose. This is why we try to learn from our mistakes and not repeat them. We were to go to Oman this weekend to get visas:as they are only good for 60 days. We pushed this one up to the limit,for other reasons. I happened to get sick the night before we were planning on going out there. We did not exactly have anything in particular planned, but we were going to go along the Northern Shore In Musandam Oman. If you look at a map, you can see that the mountains there are really jagged, and the area itself looks really old and mysterious. There are wooden dhow(long boats)that you can take in between fiords, last time we went when I was here alone, dolphins raced next side of us. It is really gorgeous and I am dying to get kaia in her life jacket that we so terribly needed to get her before we left. Haven't used it once. I know that she would love to be on a boat. So....I wake up the morning we are to leave, my head pounding from illness setting into my bones, spine sore, and throat razor blade shut and killing me to swallow or even talk. I have no choice in the matter, I HAVE TO GO. So, we decide that we are literally going through exit UAE and get omani visa and turn around and come back. All and all about a 3 hour drive, That is if you DON"T get lost. If we had a GPS, I bet we'd still get lost. If anyone knows Jeff and how he is when we get lost, it's not a picnic party. We decided since we were going to Dubai anyways, that we get Jeff's driver's license since now he has his Residence visa and labor card, one last step will make him legit. So we finally arrive, I nearly vomited while we passed a cat with its poor little insided dangling out for every one and their mothers rubber tires to stamp. God, please don't make me have to look at that again. HA HA.
We make our turn and pull up to the ATA sign..drop him off and put the car in park and wait there. Rest my mind and body while this happens. RIn RIng "Oh have to take my eye test across the street." So NOW I am finally appreciating those little strip malls we have with everything next to the other. I also want to make out(well not really)with all of the construction guys for making posting and signage so obvious like putting the sign out before the turn and not after vice versa!!!in the US that is. So they say "go cross the street." Ah, fart that's an hour right there." ANd sure enough it was about half an hour just to get across the street due to well to the fact that nothing is marked, we are in DUbai and there are waaaaay too many cars(suv's) and the fact that we had to pass inside cat splatter again! I said Honey I'm gonna kill someone if we have to pass that cat one more time. OH crikes, road block, crap, we have to turn around again...Ok, so now that's 3 times have passed the inside cat, gonna call it ICS. Have to go back we are there jeff found out that he's nearly blind in the left eye. Surely, as we pass the cat for the fourth time not blind enough to not see poor little ICS baking in the sun. We go on in, and get his off-centered out of focus driver's license.WHOPPEE!! Let's go see our little friend, ok 5th time smokey the bandit and we are outta here off to the border we go.
Too much congestion
Such a change Dubai is from little Abu Dhabs. It really is like it's on steroids..Dubai has 10% of the cranes in the world. Okay, so we missed our turn to Hatta border post..and got way off track...and ended up in one traffic jam after the other. It was truly a nightmare. We FINALLY got back on track, and I was able to rest my sore little body. Love the banana pilllows. We finally arrive at UAE border exit, I wipe the drool from my face, anything that will cover my arms up and walked up to window. He said 2 days overstay!!! I guess I was never really good at math, but gollee now this is costing me. Our visas were good for 60 days, once you go over, they kill you with penalties and can charge you whatever they want no question, and if you argue with them-LIke I did, then they can limit you visa I gave them the money 45 minutes later, and they let me through. We get to oman, get our visas..and turn around and come back through the border no problem we are legit for another 60 days. Jeff is sponsoring us, and everything is pending.
We finally push off for a 3 hourh u-Turn, Kaia was a champ, nearly slept the whole way...and thank you thank you, Hiyao Miyazaki for your power to produce such amazing visuals to keep my 2 1/2 yr entranced over and over.!!!
Let's go crazy
Well all lessons learned.A couple days late..we are safe..visas re-newed. Off to the hot shower I go....slept..barely until the next morning where I found myslef getting checked into the hospital. Nice...getting some antibiotics. I think?? Sudanese doctor...not much english, but he pointed to my butt and I knew the answer was sure to be NO!! I'll take the pills thank you very much. I took my receipt and off to the pharmacy I went. NO insurance..just a visa, checked into the Urgy-Care, pain meds to boot and some zithromax 200 dirhams later. WOW, that's about 60 dollars....for all!!
gotta love it.
Bloomin Pantalones
This little path to the beach was a pretty one, or shall I say IS a pretty one.
Just carry on and move through the heat onto the beach.
I like to be healthy
So On our last day before we are to go back to work...we went to the beach. I thought the sun would help the healing time of illness. So I just sat and endured the sweet salty sand and wind brush against my swollen glands. Oh, thank goodness I have medicine
Up high
Is where I think most of the time...for now, today. Is the day to let down, embrace and yes..give in to gravity and relax!! I will blog more later..tomorrow is the start of a new week, and after that only one more. Waiting for my second interview for Publishing position. If I get that, I will have my summer off. Keep you all posted. Miss you all dearly, and am glad that you are all enjoying the blog.
18 May 2008
Super Coaster

I suppose you could say that I have been a little busy. Now I understand how much time I really did have when I wasn't working. I was able to coddle my blog, baby and many other things. Now,I feel as though I am in a whirlwind of energy and can't seem to sit still long enough to blog. So, here I sit, write..looking over I see little jeffesters sniffling. We were finally hit by the sickness...not so bad. Just a snot-infested tidal wave of sneezing, nothing more. We finally got a car, renting a car that is. But, I feel just can't get by here without a car, no question. We got our first car..took it down the block and I swear Jeff could have jumped out and ran fasted than this thing was going burning rubber. We took the mutha back, of course it was not to be that easy. Everything here is so difficult. And when it is finally easy, you get smacked in the face 10 folds/and it inevitably ends up being a major pia. I got a call today...being a DU(phone)VIP customer,,they will give us 2 Bon Jovi tickets..Oh great, I hated him in the states, but suddenly love him now and all his name reminds me of is fresh lemonade and tear stained cheeks from the night before I was left on the side at the roller rink in Maplewood. Amy is going to be taking those tickets...she was more of a butt rocker than I will ever be.
01 May 2008
Kaia's 1st Recital
Started out as sorta've junk show....kid's crying, kaia jumped out of her seat when she saw us....and ran towards yelling "mommy mommy" It was hilarious. LIttle tear..when she started singing. The songs were simple and full of gestures. Needless to say, it was entertaining. Please enjoy some of the clips to the side that I have uploaded for your viewing pleasure, hope it touches you like it did us.
A Todd Expression
wow...that reminds me of a picure that was taken when Todd was little and had his arms out like King Kong...standing on a Rock on Lake Superior. Funny, an expression can create such a vivid memory.
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