Such a change Dubai is from little Abu Dhabs. It really is like it's on steroids..Dubai has 10% of the cranes in the world. Okay, so we missed our turn to Hatta border post..and got way off track...and ended up in one traffic jam after the other. It was truly a nightmare. We FINALLY got back on track, and I was able to rest my sore little body. Love the banana pilllows. We finally arrive at UAE border exit, I wipe the drool from my face, anything that will cover my arms up and walked up to window. He said 2 days overstay!!! I guess I was never really good at math, but gollee now this is costing me. Our visas were good for 60 days, once you go over, they kill you with penalties and can charge you whatever they want no question, and if you argue with them-LIke I did, then they can limit you visa I gave them the money 45 minutes later, and they let me through. We get to oman, get our visas..and turn around and come back through the border no problem we are legit for another 60 days. Jeff is sponsoring us, and everything is pending.
We finally push off for a 3 hourh u-Turn, Kaia was a champ, nearly slept the whole way...and thank you thank you, Hiyao Miyazaki for your power to produce such amazing visuals to keep my 2 1/2 yr entranced over and over.!!!