I suppose you could say that I have been a little busy. Now I understand how much time I really did have when I wasn't working. I was able to coddle my blog, baby and many other things. Now,I feel as though I am in a whirlwind of energy and can't seem to sit still long enough to blog. So, here I sit, write..looking over I see little jeffesters sniffling. We were finally hit by the sickness...not so bad. Just a snot-infested tidal wave of sneezing, nothing more. We finally got a car, renting a car that is. But, I feel emancipated...you just can't get by here without a car, no question. We got our first car..took it down the block and I swear Jeff could have jumped out and ran fasted than this thing was going burning rubber. We took the mutha back, of course it was not to be that easy. Everything here is so difficult. And when it is finally easy, you get smacked in the face 10 folds/and it inevitably ends up being a major pia. I got a call today...being a DU(phone)VIP customer,,they will give us 2 Bon Jovi tickets..Oh great, I hated him in the states, but suddenly love him now and all his name reminds me of is fresh lemonade and tear stained cheeks from the night before I was left on the side at the roller rink in Maplewood. Amy is going to be taking those tickets...she was more of a butt rocker than I will ever be.